Public Comment Period Open Through November 25, 2024

The Olympic Regional Development Authority (Olympic Authority) and the Adirondack Park Agency (APA) are holding a joint public comment period to solicit comments for an amendment to the 1986 Mt Van Hoevenberg Intensive Use Area Unit Management Plan (UMP). The public is invited to submit input on a draft amendment for modernization and repair of facilities as well as construction of mountain biking trails and features at Mt Van Hoevenberg.

The Mt Van Hoevenberg Intensive Use Area is a recreational and competitive sports hub located approximately seven miles southeast of Lake Placid off NYS Route 73 in the Town of North Elba, Essex County.

The area has a significant Olympic history, having hosted sliding sports events for the 1932 and 1980 Winter Olympic Games, as well as Nordic skiing, and biathlon for the 1980 Games. It continues to serve as a venue for elite international competitions, including the recent 2024 International Bobsled and Skeleton Federation (IBSF) World Cup, the Lake Placid 2023 FISU World University Games, and most recently the Union Cycliste Internationale (UCI) Mountain Bike World Series events for 2024, 2025, and 2026. Year-round operation of the facility includes opportunities for public hiking and mountain biking.

The venue encompasses both Forest Preserve lands and lands under a permanent easement acquired by New York State from the Town of North Elba. The majority of development at Mt Van Hoevenberg, including the existing sliding track facilities, is situated on these easement lands. Most of the UMP Amendment’s proposed management actions are on easement lands. Both easement lands and Forest Preserve lands must adhere to the Adirondack Park State Land Master Plan.

The management goals for this proposed Unit Management Plan Amendment are centered around three primary objectives:

    • Recreational and Competitive Offerings: Mt Van Hoevenberg aims to provide high-quality, year-round recreational and competition programs on publicly owned lands. Programs are designed for the enjoyment of New York State residents, visitors and the broader national and international sports communities.
    • Facility Improvements: To remain competitive on the world stage, Mt Van Hoevenberg seeks to continuously improve its facilities and attract top-tier athletes and recreational users. These improvements are also intended to bolster the local economy by drawing visitors to the area.
    • Environmental Stewardship: Mt Van Hoevenberg is committed to protecting the natural resource base in accordance with all applicable New York State laws, rules, and regulations.

Specific actions include:

    • Repair/Maintenance: Repair Track Curves 6, 7, and 8 (for information, approval not required)
    • Expand/Extend Existing Facilities: Expand Elevated Walkways for Track, Extend/Upgrade Water and Sewer Services, Install Alpine Coaster Spectator Improvements
    • Rehabilitate or Replace Existing Facilities: Upgrade Existing Track Roof and Shade System, Start 1 Building Improvements, Replace Start 3 Building, Replace Refrigeration Building/Infrastructure
    • New Facility Construction: New Consolidated Timing/Operations Building (consolidation of existing buildings’ functions), Site Improvements in The Heart, Site Improvements at Curve 10, Install People Mover Between Lodge Area and Curve 10 and Between Curve 10 and Start 1, Construct purpose-built mountain biking trails to UCI standards on the Town Easement lands.

Olympic Authority will consider public comments on the proposed management actions. Concurrently, the APA will accept public comment on the proposal’s conformance to the Adirondack Park State Land Master Plan.

For more information and to download the Draft Unit Management Plan Amendment please go to the Olympic Authority webpage and the APA webpage.

Olympic Authority will accept comments on the proposed management actions through November 25, 2024. Public comments can be submitted by mail or email to:

Kirk Bassarab, P.E., Director of Environmental, Planning, and Construction

Olympic Regional Development Authority

27 Church St., Lake Placid, NY 12946

Phone: (518) 302-5374

Email: [email protected]

The APA will accept public comments on the proposed draft amendment’s conformance to the Adirondack Park State Land Master Plan through November 25, 2024. Please address all written comments related to the proposed UMP’s conformance to the Adirondack Park State Land Master Plan to:

Megan Phillips, Deputy Director Planning

Adirondack Park Agency

P.O. Box 99, Ray Brook, NY 12977

Phone: (518) 891-4050

Email: [email protected]

Unit management plans are required by the Adirondack Park State Land Master Plan for each unit of State land in the Adirondack Park. UMPs integrate the guidelines and criteria of the Adirondack Park State Land Master Plan, related legislation, and resource and visitor use information into a single document. Read more in the Adirondack Park State Land Master Plan.

The mission of the Adirondack Park Agency is to protect the public and private resources of the Adirondack Park through the exercise of the powers and duties of the Agency as provided by law.