Short track speedskaters at the US National Competition April 1 - 3, 2022, at the 1932 Jack Shea Arena in Lake PlacidThe New York Olympic Regional Development Authority (ORDA) announces athletes set 10 new national records over three days of competition at the recent US Short Track National Age Class Championships, April 1 through 3, 2022, held at the Olympic Center’s 1932 Jack Shea Arena in Lake Placid.

The 10 new records are:  

Junior D Girls (11-12) 500 meters in 47.792 set April 2, 2022 by Olimpia Kazanecka.  

Junior B Ladies (15-16) 1000 meters in 1:37.570 set April 2, 2022 by Eunice Lee.  

Junior B Ladies (15-16) 1500 meters in 2:31.357 set April 1, 2022 by Eunice Lee.  

Master Ladies (70+) 500 meters in 59.389 set April 2, 2022 by Judith Smouter. 

Master Ladies (70+) 1000 meters in 2:02.245 set April 3, 3033 by Judith Smouter. 

Master Ladies (70+) 1500 meters in 3:06.108 set April 1, 2022 by Judith Smouter. 

Junior C Boys (13-14) 1000 meters in 1:29.884 set April 3, 2022 by Ray Shim. 

Junior B Men (15-16) 500 meters in 43.463 set April 2, 2022 by Daniel Yoon.  

Junior B Men (15-16) 1000 meters in 1:30.905 set April 3, 2022 by Aaron Liu.  

Junior A Men – Open (17+) 500 meters in 42.546 set April 2, 2022 by Seung-Min Kwon 

ORDA congratulates these athletes for their record-setting performances. Their achievements were part of three days of high-speed short track competition staged in the arena named for one of Lake Placid’s early speedskating legends.  

These records set the stage for more short track greatness as ORDA’s venues will be host to a dozen winter sports, including short track speedskating, at next winter’s 2023 FISU World University Games, January 12 through 22.